I wrote the following batch script to automatically run SQL commands and log the results. This particular script was originally meant for automated select queries.
@echo off
set SName="<ip or server name>"
set DbName="<databaseName>"
set RtnFolder=<output folder>
set mydate=%date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%
set logName=<log name>
@echo on rem checks to see if the logfile exists
IF NOT EXIST %~dp0\logs\%logName%.log ( ECHO Name,Status,Date,Time>>"%~dp0logs\%logName%.log" )
rem adding line to log that the shows the start of the full process
ECHO %logName%,Start,%DATE%,%TIME%>>"%~dp0logs\%logName%.log"
rem running through the sql commands in the sql folder to run all select queries available rem this logs each start and finish to the log file rem this only picks up .sql files. All other files are ignored
FOR %%i IN ("%~dp0sql\*.sql") DO ECHO %%~ni,Start,%DATE%,%TIME%>>"%~dp0logs\%logName%.log"^
&& sqlcmd -S %SName% -E -d %DbName% -i "%%i" -v PARM1=%mydate% -o "%RtnFolder%%%~ni - %mydate%.csv" -W -w 999 -s"|"^
&& IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (ECHO %%~ni,FAIL,%DATE%,%TIME%>>"%~dp0logs\%logName%.log") ^
ELSE (ECHO %%~ni,Finish,%DATE%,%TIME%>>"%~dp0logs\%logName%.log") rem adding line to log the end of the full process ECHO %logName%,Finish,%DATE%,%TIME%>>"%~dp0logs\%logName%.log"
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